Not an awful lot got done due to
a) bad back - I can't sit and machine for long
b) I got home and Andrew had started the barbeque, and it's been a long time since I have enjoyed sitting in the garden doing nothing much in particular. Usually I feel pressurised to be doing things.
But here is the progress I have made partly last night.
This is the seminole quilt I am working on. I am using ( mostly) strips left over from my log cabin quilt - they are 1 1/4" wide, but I have to add a few other fabrics in as I will need a few wider strips.
1. This pattern went together like a dream. It's about 17" long so I need to get the other strips the same.
2. Sews together OK but I thinkI will cut down the width of it as it may be too pale overall. I'll see as and when I've finished all the strips.
3. Not going together well at all. Despite pinning the pieces together I have repeatedly stitched them together wrong. Friday night unpicking more like! So I have unpicked them and will have to try again.
5. I've not done this pattern before. I'm a bit short of fabric so I've had to unpick a few pieces of this too in order to trim and re-sew. I don't have a photo of it - perhaps tomorrow.
So I have 5 strips on the go - I'll do a few more then together with the spacer strips I should have enough.
I took the boys out for a walk this evening as we must make the most of the lovely weather.
Here is a lovely Leicestershire Rape field.
With the colors you have picked I think it will look quite striking when it is all put together.